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tv   News  Al Jazeera  August 28, 2013 4:00pm-5:01pm EDT

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>> hello, and welcome to al jazeera, i'm tony harris, and here are your headlines. parliament members of the u.n. security council meet about syria, and now must decide what to do. >> the promise of this nation will only be kept when we work together. >> president obama calls on americans to live out the dream of dr. king. the fort hood shooter is sentenced to death for turning a gun on his fellow soldiers. >> the fort hood shooter has been sentenced to death.
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he's guilty of killing 13 people and wounding 32 more at fort hood in 2009. heidi zhou castro, walk us through what happened today. >> reporter: absolutely. today the government gave their closing arguments for the sentencing phase, and hassan said he would not give a statement at all. so again it was silence from hassan. then shortly after that the jury was allowed to begin deliberations. it took them just under three hours, tony, to come to this unanimous verdict
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verdict. >> reporter: the judge told them not to speak about this trial until sentencing was over. we're told that should start in the next five or ten minutes. also we expect reaction from fort hood public affairs who has been documenting step by step how this court-martial has
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played out. >> heidi zhou, if you would, the moment when that news conference is about to begin give us a head up and we'll be back to you. jeffrey, good to see you again. thanks for joining us. i take it you're not surprised at all that in a da nadal hassas sentenced to death. >> reporter: no, i was not surprised. i don't think it would have made a significant difference if he had made a statement. your viewers should understand that because the rote is done by secret written ballot, and only one no-vote would have taken death off the table, each juror had to vote by conversatio cons.
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>> did he want to be a martyr? >> reporter: i don't think he wanted to die. i don't think he wanted the death penalty. i think there is a difference between wanting the death sentence and accepting it. the prosecutor in this case addressed that issue directly. he told those jurors not to be distracted by what major nadal hassan might or might not want, but focus on the evidence, and recognize in the end this was not for anything other than major hassan's fulfilling his dispotterred objective of inflicting harm on the army, and that was persuasive for the members. >> will there be an automatic
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appeal. >> reporter: not only automatic, but it's mandatory. in the code of justice most defendants have a right to waive an appeal. you may not waive an appeal in death. there will be an appeal. perhaps others who are opposed to capital punishment and want to fight it in the military system as they do in the civilian system, it will take a long time. there is going to be a lot of appellate process, but we have to understand that before the government should be permitted to carry out a sentence of death we should go through this process because it's what allows us t to be confident that this s the right outcome. >> what does history tell us? how long could he be on death
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row? >> reporter: i think we can use the example of sergeant achbor, the sergeant convicted of the grenade attack in 2003. his case is still in the appellate process. i don't think we could see the execution to be carried out in anything less than five to eight years. it will take a good bit of time. during that time he'll be an inmate. your correspondent is absolutely correct. he'll remain a major physical his case is final, which means the appeals are exhausted. but he'll be any inmate major, and he'll get no benefits, at this point it's just a formali formality. >> geoffrey, as always, thank you. it's good to talk to you. syrian ambassador denies that his government was hyped the
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chemical attack of august 21 president. isn't left hundreds of people dead. as the united kingdom leads a movement for military intervention he called such action groundless. >> it's up to the security council only and exclusively to deal with this issue. it's not up to the united states or anybody else to aggress any nation member of the united nations on basil baseless alleg. >> now earlier today the u.n. security council met in new york over military intervention in syria. barnaby phillips has our report from london. >> reporter: britain senior ministers and soldiers came to downing street to discuss an attack on syria, how it might be done, and what the consequences could be.
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>> there is no comparison between this and iraq. this is where a crime against humanity has been committed, and there can be no argument about that. we have to decide whether the world responds to such a crime in such a way as to reduce the chances of it happening again. >> reporter: there will be an enormous international debate about this. here in britain the prime minister needs to convince parliament and a skeptical public that what he's doing is legally and morally justifiable and won't lead to a great greater british involvement to syria civil war. >> reporter: in britain as other countries members of the iraq war affect the political debate. david cameron will struggle to convince everyone that he's doing the right thing. >> i think it would be difficult for an mp to support military action when it's not legal, and
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it's not clear that bombing syria would be legal under international law. >> reporter: in paris french ministers also held an emergency meeting. they seem of one mine with their british counterparts, that the syrian regime did use chemical weapons, and that military action would be justifiable. >> we are going to carry on monitoring the situation closely hour by hour. there are lots of consultation being made, and the president and the public will make the necessary decisions when the time comes. >> reporter: but in geneva the special envoy to syria said that no country should take action without the backing of the u.n. security council. >> i do know that this, president obama and the american administration are not known to be trigger happy. what they will decide, i don't know. but certainly international law is very clear, security council
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has to be brought in. >> reporter: the british, french, and americans seem set on military action with very unpredictable results. they are convinced that to ignore the apparent use of chemical weapons in syria will bring even greater dangers. barnaby phillips, al jazeera. >> joining us live with the latest from the diplomat i can update is john terrat. john, the international count meeting has ended. >> well, we know a lot more now than we did a few hours ago. we know with some certainty this draft resolution that would pave the way for an attack on syria if it were to be approved is similar to the resolution that paved the way for international intervention in libya. that was back in may 2011. now we also know that russia and china said if that's the
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document going forward, then that's a step too far and they're very unlikely to sign it. this is united nations par lance for you it goes back to the state capitol. it goes back to washington, london, paris, moscow and beijing, and they'll discuss it overnight at governmental level. it will come back to the united nations presumably on thursday, and further consultations, and who knows when it will be presented formally to the u.n. security council. we'll have to wait and see. >> that is all to happen over the next couple of days. john terrett with the latest of the diplomatic maneuverings the including a facility i where israeli planes conducted a strike earlier this year. the command control centers are
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reported to be in or near damascus, the palace and the residents of president assad. the major air bases are being discussed as possible targets. syria has six major airline strips in damascus. joining me now is elizabeth, senior research analyst at the institute for the study of war. i know the negotiations going over two and a half years trying to figure out what to do over an unified international base over this conflict this syria. but over the last few days what is your view of the pace of things moving, and in your view is it moving too quickly. >> i don't think they're moving too quickly. in fact, it's been too slow. i think that a military action should have been prompted an along time ago. we set this markers as chemical
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weapons marking the red lines, but it's unfair to dictate how the syrian government kills its people and drawing this as a red line in my opinion has been too slows. >> what is your reaction to attempts of getting another resolution passed, also a waste of time. >> i think it will be difficult to get anything passed. >> because of china and russia. >> specifically russia. russia has come out and defended the syrian government saying the opposition is responsible for this attack, and it was not on behalf of the syrian government. >> but there is always collateral damage. is there any benefit to get the entire assembly to weigh in, all the nations in the u.n. to weigh in on the resolution? >> i think that's going to be the next step. if they can't push something through the security council, then it will go to the general assembly. i think any military step that they look to do is going to be complimented with some sort of head way on a political solution
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or some sort of looking forward to mediation. >> should any kind of military action wait until after the report from the u.n. inspectors to come in, should any action against syria come in after that report comes in and there is time for reflection. >> i think it depends on the goal of any action. if it's meant to be punitive an retaliatory in response to a chemical use, then yes, it should wait. but if this is part of a larger strategy-- >> regime change? >> i think there are many in the western community looking at regime change, but that makes it the much more difficult to go through the u.n. and a number of countries are looking at ways to work around that. >> hang on for a second. given that this has been going on for two and a half years, and in your view and analysis, what kind of action is appropriate?
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are we talking essentially about a strong slap on the wrist or regime change, what is your view? what should it be? >> i think there are a number of western governments the british and french have been proactive in assad's removal from power, and looking at him stepping down from power. this has been the last straw, and put military action on the line not only as a slap on the wrist, as you put t but also in terms of regime change. >> no way to predict what happens when it happens, should it happen, and no way to predict what happens in the region with the neighbors, what are your thoughts on that? >> you know, i think right now given the current trends if the balance of power continues the way it is we'll continue to see negative trends in the region. whatever is done needs to look at a comprehensive strategy. it shouldn't be just a message. it should involve-- >> that begs for time.
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>> right, and i think there is prudence to fully developing and working with our allied nations to come up with a comprehensive response. i do not think that a punitive measure is going to be needed in this case. >> thank you for you're time. >> the anniversary of martin luther king's "i have a dream speech." the crowd braving the rain in the mall--it wasn't that bad. president obama was the final speaker at the event honoring the civil rights icon. mike viqueira is there for us, and he joins us live. mike, there was so much history there at that site, can you tell what's it felt like to be there, and to hear some of the speeches? >> reporter: it was quite a day, tony, i'll be honest with you. right out of the block president obama took to the microphone,
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and he made reference to the fact that it was made obvious. here it was 50 years to the day after the march on washington, after dr. king's most famous speech "i have a dream" speech, because they marched the white house changed, said president obama. he made reference to the fact, tony, you hear a lot of people over the course of the last few days, dismiss a lot of what has happened over the last 50 years saying it's not enough, we're no better off, are minority in this country no better than they were 50 years ago. president obama cited the consistent income gaps and unemployment is twice that for african-americans than the rest of the population. but the theme that he struck was the economic theme. he was drawing parallels from the past and talk about current economic situations, talk about opportunities and rail against the current political gridlock.
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he quoted dr. king, what does it profit a man to be able to sit at a lunch counter when he cannot afford the meal. >> as we mark this anniversary we must remind ourselves that the measure of interesting for those who marched 50 years ago was not merely how many blacks could join the ranks of millionaires, it's whether those in this country willing to work hard regardless of race enter the ranks of middle class. >> reporter: dr. king and those who marched didn't march for the kind of gridlock that we had today. bill clinton admonished those who would complain about it, striking his rhetorical theme saying you got to put the shoulder to the gate and start pushing. we now have a choice, the gears of government can grind to a
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halt, or we can have the courage to change. >> mike viqueira for us in washington, d.c. at this hour we learned that the fire crews have sent a drone into the rimfires to say that the drone helped to find hot spots that they wouldn't have found otherwise. and there are 4,000 firefighters at the scene. the california rim fire is up to 23% contained. campgrounds at the yosemite national park are closed and main entrance roads from francisco have shut down. we have a look at today's weather. [♪ music ] >> meteorologist: hello, and thank you very much. we're going to take you over to taiwan. first of all before we go out to the western part of the united states we're looking at a tropical storm. this storm right now is basically straddled right on the eastern coast line of taiwan. the storm is going to be a big problem in terms of rain. before sunset this evening their
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time things didn't look too bad, especially on the northern coast, but it will be a completely different story when they wake up in the morning. we're talking about winds of 57 mph gusting higher than that. we don't think that this will get to typhoon strength but it could bring anywhere between 5 and 8 inches of rain and then it will make its way up towards the southern part of japan. in utah, you saw a rainy day, but now they're looking at terms of flooding. we have a tropical system down towards the south and it's amping the amount o of moisture being pushed up to the north. in this region we could see two to three inches, and for that part of the world that definitely means flash flooding. >> thank you. still to come, taking precautions in case there is
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military action against syria. some israelis prepare for the worse and hope for the best.
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... inside of it. >> welcome back to al jazeera. tony harris in new york. convicted murderer nadal hassan was sentenced to death. hassan turned a gun on his fellow soldiers on fort hood base in 2009. israeli government is taking precautions. >> reporter: they're cueing for gas masks in israel, driven up
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300%. >> it is reterrifying and i pray that we're never going to need to use it. >> assad's back is to the wall a and he may use chemical weapons against israeli citizens. >> reporter: but the message from israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu who met his security cabinet for the third time in two days is to not panic. military exercises in the golan heights where they overlook the line of syria and gather intense data. reports suggest that the assad military was behind this suspected chemical attack in damascus last week. one report the sites of former officialers that israelis
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intercepted communication between high ranking officials about the chemical attack. he doesn't think this alone is sufficient evidence to prove categorically that the regime was behind the attack. >> they intercept calls, they intercept discussions, radio consultation, but also signals and different raiders and some others. but usually in order to make sure that we have the right intelligence picture we need to have more than one source. >> reporter: an israeli brig. brigadier general in april said he had evidence that it was used
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back in april, and this was ignored by the u.s. and european union. >> they knew, and they decided to ignore it. >> reporter: government officials are playing down any threat of retaliation by the syrian regime, meanwhile, demand for gas masks here have soared over the past week. many israelis are nervous about the coming days and weeks. al jazeera, jerusalem. >> michael eaves is here. johnny man zell, will he or won't he play? >> reporter: we finally have a decision. multiple sources say the ncaa and texas a&m have reached an agreement to suspend johnny manzel for the first half of the aggie game for his role in a scandal.
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four weeks ago alfonso soriano returned to the yankees after reaching a milestone. soriano has hit 11 home runs since being traded back to the yankees back on july 26 president. and it's day three in flushing, new york, on the women's side both advance winning in straight sets but then the rains came delaying the matches of serena and venus williams, and andy murray was scheduled to play today. we'll be back in 20 minutes with more sports. >> united nations troops fired on rebels fighting the congolese army and the democratic republic of congo. they are iowa cuesed of attacking goma, a city of 1 million people near the volume
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tearwandaand congolese border, g for the violence. the in the death of the bottlenose dolphin is attributed to a virus. the number of dolphins that died this year is nine times than the historic average. in north carolina, a new mandate is dividing some people in that state. ç]
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>> welcome back to al jazeera. i'm tony harris in new york. 50 years ago martin luther king changed the world with four words "i have a dream." today many gathered to honor thinks legacy. as chemical weapons investigators continue in damascus, the syrian ambassador denies that his government is involved in the attack that left hundreds dead. he said rebel fighters are to
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blame. convicted murderer nadal hassan is sentenced to death. the jury handed down the verdict to the fort hood murderer of 2009. we'll return to the family members of the victims of the ford hood shooting, i believe this is an attorney of one of the families, let's listen in. >> of the fine work of our prosecution team. they have worked tirelessly to bring this case to its necessary conclusion. the support we have received from our families, friends, colleagues, as well as the national tragedy assistant program has been knee more newsily appreciated. as we have worked through this agony of this tragedy.
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thank you all for continuing to honor and support our fallen and our wounded. the statement is from the family of captain john gafney. this statement is from melissa shermerda. we're thankful for the verdict that has finally been rendered. however, we're disfived to the media attention to hassan and his extremist views. these types of murderers thrive on media attention. it provides others seeking a platform for their sick and twisted views. we hope in the further the media will concentrate on the impact tragedies have on the survivors. this statement was by melissa
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shermerda, daughter of colonel wardman. this statement is on behalf of staff sergeant amy krueger. we've finally come to the end of a long emotional journey. although the pain of losing amy will always weigh heavily upon us, we'll have some relief knowing that hassan was found guilty without a doubt, and that he will pay for what he did. the statement is by jerry krueger, the mother of staff sergeant amy krueger. at this time i would ask that tina nemelka, the mother of pfc nemelka would come forward. she'll stand by my side as i read the statement onber behalf. first i would like to thank the prosecution team for their hard
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work and diligence to bring hassan to justice. i have been much relieved that justice has been reached. we have all heard that hassan believes with the death penalty that he will be seen as a martyr, but i know and feel that he is a coward, a traitor and a murderer. he was convicted of 13 counts of premeditated murder. i am happy and satisfied with that. i appreciate the support and prayers from so many out there. the statement is read on behalf of tina nemelka, the mother of pfc nemelka. at this time we would like to have the mother of specialist jd hunt, who will make a brief statement and take a few questions.
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>> first i would like to thank the prosecuting team for all their hard work. second, i will like to address before asked whether or not i'm glad nadal hassan got the death penalty. as a christian i cannot say that i wish anyone dead for crimes against me an my family, but that does not mean that i'm opposed to the death penalty, or if the government or the families of its other 13 murder victims want the death penalty, that they are not perfectly justified. third i would like to address hassan's claims that he was defending his reasoning and saving the lives of the members of the taliban. anyone who would use their religion in attacks of terrorism serves no god but their own self interest. he has done nothing but to deteriorate relationships between the u.s. and middle eastern countries. nadal hassan is a coward and
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unrepented murderer. i would like to address comments made in the herald comparing sergeant robert bales sentence to hassan's as being unfair. sergeant bales defense was that he was mentally unbalanced at the time, an upon sentencing he called his own act cowardly and filled with hate. something that we have yet to hear from hassan. buthe fact that a defense of otr strategy makes no moral or legal sense. fifth i would like to take the opportunity to urge the government to begin taking care of the injured victims of this crime. lastly i'm though talking about hassan. this is my son, j.d. hunt.
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if you would like to ask questions about him. i'm tired of seeing pictures of hassan in the paper. i'll take questions. >> tell us about who your son was. >> one question. >> hi, ma'am, i just want to say you're very brave for stepping up and taking our questions. as you move forward, what is it thathat is your heart, what is t that you're thinking and what is it that you would like the world to remember about your son? >> he was very kind thoughtful person. he never had a bad word to say about anybody. his idea of going to iraq was not to harm anybody but his idea was to save other people's lives. he always said i would take a bullet for anybody. >> i know this is difficult, but what would he want to come from what happened here? >> i think he would just want me to go on with my life.
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>> mrs. hunt, when we interviewed your daughter lela in dallas, she told us that she just wanted to know what jd's last moments were like, she just wanted to know what happened. did you have those same questions, and do you feel that they were answered? >> yes, i do. >> how were they answered for you? >> i think he still had his shirt out of his sleeve. he didn't have time to get his shirt back on. he was surprised. >> did that help you? >> yes it did. >> why? >> just knowing what happened. >> tell us about your son, how important he was in your life, and to have that defendant sitting there? how important was it for to you have that moment? >> it was very therapeutic for him. i don't care what it did for hassan. thank you. >> thank you very much.
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>> at this time we'll have the family members from retired cw 2 cahill make statements, and take some questions. now each individual will make a statement, and then we'll ask the questions after the statements have been made. joining me here will be james cahill, joe lean cahill, cary cahill, and kerry venscker. cahill cary is karry, and james is james, and kaley is kaelee--no no.
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>> keely. >> sorry, keely. vanager. >> vanacker. >> i'm sorry. i got it way wrong, my apologize. so at this time. >> i blame my parents. >> keely is first. >> all right, we want to thank the american people for their constant support and prayers. we want to thank all the groups and organizations who has given us their wonderful support, tragedy assistance program for survivors, the survivors outreach assistance here at fort hood. the chaplain's office and the department of justice extremely dedicated victim witness coordinator. without them these years would
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have been even harder. we want to thank all those who worked countless hours away from their families to bring this case to justice. their sacrifice for us, their professionalism, their ethics, their due diligence deserves more credit than we can express in words. this has been a very long and exhausting process. we are tired, we are hurt, but we are resolved. justice has been served. today's sentencing does not bring my father home. his laughter to our ears, and his smile to our eyes, but justice does not end here. you the media will decide whose voice will be heard and whose vase we will remember. hour hope is it is not the voice of murderers or terrorists but the voice of those who stood and those who continue to stand in a
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true and honorable defense of others. my father sacrificed his life to save those around him. i now ask what you are willing to sacrifice, a current congress chooses a culture of selfishness and greed, choose not to sacrifice their own personal political gains and motivations. i hope they learn that sacrifice is not giving in, it is not compromise, it is what we do for our fellow americans. >> the last three and a half years have been long and difficult. although this court-martial is over our lives are changed forever. the house of grief is a very large house. there is a lot of rooms in there. this court-martial is one of them, and it's a door we get to shut today. like so many military families we will never see our fallen hero again, so even when the cameras are gone and the reporters are gone, i'm asking to you remember our fallen
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soldiers, our wounded warriors, and the unfortunate growing number we're continuing to lose to military suicide. my father took care of soldiers until the end. i can that we as americans do the same. as his family we have the duty and honor of continuing michael cahill's legacy, but we cannot do it alone. we need the va, the american people, our congress an our senate and government as a whole to help us. the first two weeks after dad died people kept asking what can we do? the answer now is very simple. do your job. do your job as proud citizens of the united states of america. there are multiple failings that caused this. but all of those organizations were made up of people and individuals, supervisors, officers and agents. so i ask you to do your job with honesty, honor, aren't, and responsibility, our rights for free speech, our rights to bear arms, and our rights as citizens
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do not come without a responsibility, a duty, and a price, a very steep price. so i ask you the media and the american people what message will you focus on? what magazine will you buy? the one with murderers on the cover? attacking us like cancer or the ones with heroes? we choose who we remember and how we inspire. there are two messages leaving that courtroom. there is the one of hatred, cowardice and betrayal, and one of loyalty, dedication and honor. go back to the day of november 5, 2009, thursday, i want you to remember those who saved lives, the medics, the wounded, the srp staff, those soldiers who did their job, and they saved every single life that they could have. the police who charged in to gunfire without thought for
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themselves. that's what happens when you value your purpose and what you do. so when you remember that day, remember everything sacrifice they made. >> stating a couple of moments ago that the house of grief is a very large house and there are a lot of rooms in there. hearing from family members of the victims who were killed in major nadal hassan's shooting rampage at fort hood, in 2009. who is nadal hassan? according to these family members who we've heard. he's no martyr, h he is a trait, a murderer. he is a coward, and an unrepen unrepentant murderer. major nadal hassan sentenced to death by a military jury. it was 50 years ago that d
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dr. martin luther king gave a speech that proved profittal to american history. people gathered at the national mall to remember that man and that speech. today presidents jimmy carter and bill clinton addressed the crowd, and president obama addressed the people to live out the dream of dr. king. 50 years ago one image has endured the test of time. it was this picture of a young girl holding a banner that said for jobs and freedom. that helped galvanize the civil rights movement, and it has been a photo. edith lee payne was only 12 years old when that photo was taken. and also with her is the photograph who are took that picture, roland sherman. thank you both for being here. edith, first to you, it's a
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pleasure to see you, meet you electronically, what are your recollections of that day, this day, 50 years ago? >> well, it's a pleasure to meet you, thank you for having me on. my recollections 50 years ago are that first and foremost i was there. with the most important person in my life, my mother, who is not with us now, but we were there because she knew the injusts happening in the south were not fair. they weren't right, and she wanted to be one to stand among the many to say she opposedded what was happening, and she wanted me to share that with her. today was a very good reminder of where we came from 50 years ago, but also where we still have to go. >> what are your thoughts on the work still to be done?
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>> well, 50 years ago people were committed to making the necessary change on a daily basis. we need to do that now if those changes are going to occur 50 years later, and in the years to come. >> right. >> you can't just come to a demonstration or a commemoration, and hold up placards and then go home and not condition the work. the work continued 50 years ago, that's why the selma bus boycott was so successful, because they boycotted every single day until change happened. those are the kinds of things that we have to do. any area in our country that is affected we have to do something every day until that change occurs. >> edith, what do you have in your hands? >> i have in my hand the banner i held in my hand 50 years ago today, that scene in that picture that you described earlier. >> roland, i got to ask you, why
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did you take
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that picture struck a cord with the viewing public and the media. i'm very proud of this picture. >> yes, it's a terrific photograph. it has, as i mentioned become iconic. roland, it is great to meet you. >> and it's on the cover of my book, too. >> nice of you to work that in. edith, great to see you and meet you, and happy birthday. >> thank you very much. thank you so much. >> what a pleasure. >> all right, we're going to take a quick break and come back with more right after this. this is al jazeera.
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fire is now 23% contained. that's up 3% from yesterday. one of the largest wildfires in california's history is now roaring deeper into yosemite. it has burned more than 185,000 acres, hundreds more firefighters have now joined in the effort to contain it. dave warren is here to update us on what is going on with the rim fire.
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stories go to our website, once again that's ♪ >> and welcome back to al jazeera. i'm tony harris in new york. on the 50th anniversary of the march in washington one the rights that people petitions then are now in the forefront. the in the voting rights actiont section 4, north carolina required several states to get permission before changing voting rules. now citizens are protesting the changes and there have been three lawsuits. we're live in north carolina. jonathan, exactly which voting laws have actually changed? >> reporter: well, certainly big
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voting laws have changed most significant is the requirement to now have a photo i.d. at the polls. other big changes they've taken away pre-registration period from folks before the voting, an also shortened th the early votg time, and for folks just under 18 they've taken away pre-voting registration as well. there are some 300 people here today. and they feel that it disenfranchised the elderly and the young folks. >> what are the laws going to begin to take effect? >> reporter: the laws do not go into effect until 2016 that's one of the things that the governor has been saying, we realize these laws are not so popular but everyone will have an opportunity or ample time to adjust to them. next year the state will implement an education program to allow voters to know about
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the changes. not popular but everything goes into affect in 2016. >> what is the status of the lawsuits against north carolina right now? >> reporter: okay, so we have two lawsuits i know of that have definitely been filed, the first one by the aclu here in north carolina. also a lawsuit filed by the naacp, and among the plaintiffs, a 92-year-old woman who feels she'll be disenfranchised by these new laws but it will be interesting to see if the justice department gets involved. the justice department god involves in the state of texas filed suit for their voting measures. we'll see if north carolina follows. >> michael eaves is now here with a day in sports. are you starting with golf. >> reporter: it's playoff time on the pga tour. the best golfers in the world converged on new york for the opening leg of the fedex cups
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playoffs, adam scott over tiger woods and others. now we move to boston for the deutsche bank championship. we go to trip eisenhower. thank you for joining us today. >> reporter: a pleasure to be here. >> let's talk about the fedex cup for a moment. tiger woods has twice as many wins as anybody else on tour this season. that's why he goes into the second leg of the fedex cup with a bit of a lead on adam scott. how do you think it has been played this weekend. >> reporter: you've got the number one in tiger woods, and adam scott and number three in the world, phil mickelson. son, so the top three players in the world are the top fedex cups standings in the playoff event. the volatility of the playoffs, the pga tour had issues on in
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the fedex cup, but over time they got it right. the volatility makes everybody tries to get to east lake within the top five because then you control your own destiny. and i think the pga tour finally has the system right. >> we're short on time because of the breaking news in fort hood and the festivities in washington. i want to ask you about the health of tiger woods. he said he's healthy going into boston. >> reporter: well, back spasms are that thing if you get the right treatment at the right time they can turn around pretty quickly. i think the extra day of rest, remember the deutsche bank championship starts on friday and ends on monday instead of the normal thursday to sunday finish. i think that extra day will be helpful. as long as he's on site he's okay. who knows, the thing about backs, they can just as easy as
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they can heal they can go back the other way, if you will, just as easy. hopefully tiger woods is healthy again. >> thanks so much. we look forward to talking to you down the line. tony? >> there is a big prize attached to that. >> reporter: $10 million at the end. >> appreciate it. now we've got more al jazeera news coming up in just a moment. we're back right after this.
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>> welcome to al jazeera, i'm tony harris. this is your headlines this hour. the fort hood shooter has been sentenced to death. few hours of deliberations, relatives of victims gave testimony and spoke after the death penalty was announced. hasan was convicted of killing 30 people and wounding others in 2009. he will be taken to forth 11 len worth fire crews in california have seent drone to help battle the frames flames from the rim fire. the drones help find hot spots thou


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